Cruciate Ligament

The cranial cruciate ligament in dogs is is a band of tough fibrous tissue that attaches the femur (thigh bone) to the tibia (shin bone). It gives the joint stability and helps to prevent the stifle (knee) joint from over-extending or rotating.

In the vast majority of dogs, the cranial cruciate ligament ruptures as a result of long-term degeneration, whereby the fibres within the ligament weaken over time.  This causes hind leg lameness and is a major cause of the progressive and permanent deterioration of joint cartilage and osteoarthritis in the stifle joint.

Cruciate ligament disease refers to the acute or progressive failure of the cruciate ligament, resulting anywhere between partial to complete instability of the dog’s stifle joint.

In the majority of cases surgery is required.

How Canine Myotherapy can help Cruciate Ligament Issues

Canine Myotherapy plays an important role in post operative rehabilitation, by reducing recovery time and speeding up the natural healing process, by enhancing blood and lymph circulation, and  helping to reduce swelling and pain.

Treatment will also speed up the dog’s ability to weight bear on the affected limb by building up muscle around the joint, and improving the range of joint motion. Any compensatory issues that have developed over time in response to the dog’s altered gait can also be treated.

The optimal time to begin treatment is two to three weeks post-operatively, and will be on the advise of your veterinary surgeon.

To talk to me about how Canine Myotherapy  might help your dog pre or post-operatively please do not hesitate to contact me.